We offer our clients gold standard anaesthesia with Propofol and gas anaesthesia, which is monitored by our nursing team. We also offer all our patients pre- anaesthetic blood test to screen for any underlying disease such as diabetes, liver problems or kidney problems. We would particularly advise this for older patients.
The practice has two ultrasound machines. This is very useful for pregnancy scans as well as diagnosing womb, bladder and prostrate problems and imaging the liver bowel and heart.
We have state of the art Digital X-Ray on site for rapid accurate diagnosis.
It is very useful after road traffic accidents where we suspect fractured limbs as well as diagnosis of foreign body and other internal problems.
Laboratory Facilities
We have our own in house blood machine where haematology and biochemistry can be done on site and results are provided within an hour. This can often mean the difference between life and death for very sick patients.
We have a microscope where skin scrapes can be examined on site. We can also do full skin work ups for accurate diagnosis
In the practice we have facilities for examining the eye in more detail. Glaucoma and anterior uveitis are common conditions in dogs and cats, which are painful but can also cause blindness. We have a special device called a tonapen to measure the intra-ocular pressure, which helps us to make an accurate diagnosis and treatment for these cases.
Over three quarters of cats and dogs over three years of age suffer some degree of dental disease. Our nurses are trained to examine your dog or cat for dental problems. We have a dental machine on site to provide full dental care for your pet.
Keyhole Surgery
We now offer keyhole surgery as an alternative to open surgery for certain procedures. Keyhole spaying was pioneered in Ireland in 2011, by our vet Eamon Walsh.
Keyhole surgery is achieved through small incisions using a camera to view inside the abdomen, and specialised instruments to manipulate tissue. Keyhole spaying can be carried out on both cats and dogs.
This minimally invasive method is virtually bloodless, less painful than open surgery and has a very fast recovery time for your pet.
Find out more here
Government legislation came into effect on April 1st 2016, making it compulsory for all dogs to be microchipped and registered with a Government approved database. Under the new legislation, dog owners must also obtain a Dog Microchipping Certificate from the database provider to prove that their dog is properly microchipped and registered. Dog owners must also keep their contact details up to date and register any change of contact details or change of ownership on the database.
“Compulsory Microchipping and Certification will have huge animal welfare benefits, by ensuring a much loved lost dog is returned to it’s owner in a timely and efficient manner thus reducing the stress and trauma to owner and dog alike. The law will also ease the pressure in pounds throughout Ireland by reducing the number of stray dogs entering the pound system. Mandatory registration and certification will also help to promote responsible dog ownership. We are pleased to support this initiate by offering low cast microchipping at The All Care Veterinary Clinic .