All Care Veterinary Hospital

Compassionate and Professional Care in Killarney

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Over 2,000 people in the Killarney and greater Kerry area trust us to care for their pets.

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Check out the Radio Kerry national bark day podcast


Jerry presented today’s show from The Demesne in Killarney National Park, near Deenagh Lodge to mark the inaugural Killarney National Bark event – an initiative by the National Parks and Wildlife Service to promote responsible dog ownership in the park and of course, to celebrate the pets that enrich so many of our lives. Jerry spoke to Danny O’Keeffe, regional manager with the NPWS, county vet Paddy Fenton who’s also with the Kerry Dog Pound, Danny O’Sullivan the TalkAbout vet and of All Care Veterinary Hospital in Killarney, Lisa O’Donovan of Dogs Trust, Deirdre Horgan of My Canine Companion, Irene McCarthy from Kerry Dog Training, and Jake Shirtliff from Muddy Paws Training.

Listen to the show here

Danny the Vet on Radio Kerry

Danny the Vet on Radio Kerry

The regular live pet care show with Deirdre Walsh on Radio Kerry.

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